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One of the most important types of capital you can build at work is a reputation for being highly credible. But it takes time to build it, and you can significantly undermine it through even a single bad move. Over at U.S. News & World Report today, I talk about how you can build unshakable credibility. Please check it out!
Great advice Alison. Many of us know that lying is an unwise practic in life including the workplace. Taking that concept a "step further" as you put it to develop true credibility requires much more diligence and integrity. Of course, the positive impact of credibility and integrity on one's career and reputation are immeasurably.
Great advice Alison. Many of us know that lying is an unwise practic in life including the workplace. Taking that concept a "step further" as you put it to develop true credibility requires much more diligence and integrity. Of course, the positive impact of credibility and integrity on one's career and reputation are immeasurably.
Thanks for a great article!
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