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Monday, June 15, 2009

how the recession has changed hiring - for employers

Everyone knows how the recession has impacted job seekers -- there are fewer jobs and lots more competition -- but I haven't seen anyone talking about how it's impacted hiring on the employer's side.

Over at U.S. News & World Report today, I describe how the economy has changed the experience of conducting hiring. Please check it out and leave your own comments over there!


Anonymous said...

In this economy, this is poor advice from the article:

"make sure you're really targeting your job search to positions that are a strong match. Random resume-blasting, never a good strategy, is almost entirely worthless right now."

Finding a job does require some matching and some targeting, I will give her that. However, I disagree with blasting as a bad strategy. It is a numbers game. People have been disqualified for all kinds of illogical reasons. Including a resume that was dog-eared. What a pathetic reason that was.

By playing the numbers game, you increase your odds of getting an interview.

Simply put, you do not win lotteries by never playing.

Ask a Manager said...

Anonymous, it's really not a numbers game. If you apply for 100 quickly chosen jobs, without carefully selecting ones that you're strongly matched with, and don't customize your resume and cover letter for each, you have little chance of hearing back from any. If you carefully target a smaller number that you're really qualified for, and customize your materials, your chances of hearing back are pretty high.

Particularly in this economy, when employers are being flooded with strong candidates, why would you advocate a random resume blast? It's more a waste of time than anything else.

jaded hr rep said...

Clearly Anonymous has never been a recruiter, as his/her theory is just plain wrong - earning (and I use this word purposefully) an interview or a job offer is not winning a lottery or getting lucky.

If you feel like it is a numbers game, then you're not getting direct feedback on what's not working. Rather than blaming it on "illogical reasons", you may want to consider some self-reflection and take ownership of how you're marketing yourself. Get honest feedback from others on your resume, how you interview, etc. so you know what you should do differently next time.

Anonymous said...

i agree with anonymous on this. i have carefully crafted cover letters and resumes that specifically targeted fully qualified positions. when i did not get any responses back, i blasted my resume and actually got responses back. go figure!

in my experience, i consider the return on investment of time in relation to interview opportunities. i have gotten more responses from blasting resumes out with the same amount of carefully targeted resumes. Blasting score: 4 interviews, carefully crafted score: 0 interviews.

in all honesty, job hunting is a silly game on how can i outsmart the gatekeepers.

Anonymous said...

I think there's a happy medium between blasting and customization. I work in biotech, and honestly, there's a limited number of positions that perfectly match my skills. I can reasonably extend my search to similar industries, e.g., pharma or medical devices, but if I'm sending random resumes to 100's of different positions, I'm wasting everyone's time. Instead I write a general cover letter describing my skills, then add a line or two to each letter that emphasizes my abilities for the requirements described in that specific job description.