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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ask a Manager, now available for hire

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I was moving into consulting, and I'm now officially opening my doors.  See that "hire me" link up top? You'll find more info there about what I do and how to work with me. So ... hire me!

If you're a new manager looking for some training, a more experienced manager looking for coaching, or any level manager looking for help with hiring, dealing with performance problems, role development, or other managerial issues facing you, I can help. As one example, here's an outline of my hiring boot camp.

And for inspiration (and because I love best-of lists), here are some highlights from posts on good management over the last three years.

you need the right person, not the almost-right person
10 mistakes employers make in hiring
how to fire someone
managing outside your area of expertise
mistakes bosses make when giving critical feedback
struggling to manage an overly social staff
should I fire the office assistant?
what reality-based management looks like


Anonymous said...


I happened upon your blog a year or so ago and it is my management BIBLE, even though I'm not in management. I wish you could come kick some a$$ at my company and straighten out the folks in charge! I wish you the best of luck in your consultancy, and definitely look forward to your continued right-on insights.


P.G. (traveling incognito tonight).

lawschooltech said...

Your hire me link isn't visible on the RSS feed. I generally read in Google reader and you may want to add this option to your code.

Aswin Kini said...

Nice post! wishing you all the best in your new (ad)venture :)

Ang. said...

You should set up an anonymous service like, only it could be for emailing managers to let them to know about your services.

Rampancy said...

Dear Alison,

I think it is really cool that you became a contractor in this economy. And I'm hoping you will write about your experiences as a contractor too, because being a contractor sometimes feels like having two jobs. One job is the job you were hired for the other job is how to deal with your surroundings as not everyone is too happy with you being there.

Wishing you all the best,
