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Thursday, April 30, 2009

don't mention your "affluent family" in your cover letter

Seriously, it's really not relevant that you come from an "affluent political family." Why is it in your cover letter?


Kathy said...

Maybe he/she meant to say "effluent political family." Either way it's just as stinky.

Suzanne Lucas said...

That is awesome. I love it.

Just Another HR Lady said...

So does that mean that you're not going to hire them? ;-)

Rachel - former HR blogger said...

I'd dump that resume just for the arrogance.

Anonymous said...

But why wouldn't you want to know that? It's relevant 'cause you only want to hire the best, right? Being affluent and political is just a club, it's no different from your hiking club! It's a great club, too, we do so many fun things with so many cool people -- but I'm not gloating, oh no, I'd never do that. You know what, you're obviously discriminating against us. I mean, you could never join my club, since you're not nearly rich or well-connected enough. But if you just got to know us, you wouldn't be so prejudiced. God, the whole world is against us affluent political families AGAIN. Hmph.

George Guajardo said...

Wow! I wonder if it feels good to be that out of touch?

Rebecca said...

I'm going to argue this point, just because.

Depending on the position and the organization, this could actually be really good to know.

For instance, if this person applied to your organization - Marijuana Policy Project, a nonprofit lobbying organization - then that person who comes from an affluent political family may have relevant connections to be of service to your organization.

It's not personally how I would phrase something, but I don't think it's a big no-no.

Ask a Manager said...

Hey Rebecca,

I'd say in that case, they should be specific -- for instance: "I have significant contacts in the political world that I've been able to leverage in the following ways...." or whatever. I'm pretty sure that's not how she meant it though, as there was no context for it.

Anonymous said...

I dunno. Surely it was an asset to whichever company hired Chelsea Clinton to her six-figure job when she had no experience just out of school that she could get very powerful people on the phone in a few seconds. Sometimes those connections are worth paying for.

Just saying.

Although on second thought, she probably didn't have to write any cover letters.

Anonymous said...


Charles said...

Class-factotum - I used to work for the company and in the office that hired Chelsea Clinton when she graduated.

And, yes, it was the FOB (friends of Bill) factor that got her in the door.

However, she did NOT get the London office assignment that she wanted, nor did she get the same six-figure salary that other consultants were getting at that time. I believe that she was paid about 10-20 thousand less.

She also did not stay with the company long. I guess by then the FOB factor was all played out.

Rebecca - I agree; but, if one's family is really that affluent then the recruiter will see it by the name and return address and there is no need to "name-drop" in the cover letter. During the interview, maybe, but not in a cover letter unless they are stating that the family would like to come forward to support the organization; in which case that letter would not be a cover letter for a job position. It would simply be a letter declaring the family's intentions of support.

The job position might later on be payback for the family's support - but that is another issue.

Anonymous said...

Charles, I guess you can't believe everything you read in People magazine. Good to know!

Ampersand said...

As humorous as the thought may be, I don't think even the Chelsea Clinton example of using "affluent family" to your advantage works.

After all, if Chelsea Clinton walks into your office with a resume and a cover letter, it isn't the words "affluent family" that got your attention, it's the fact you already know who she is.

If her rich, non-famous friend tries the same thing, you ask "Who are you again?" and toss her resume in the garbage. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. My last batch of resumes included who they voted for in the last election, why (yes, why!) and on a separate doubled spaced line - their political party affiliation.

WTH are these people thinking?

AND-ON said...

This cracks me up!