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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

bosses who yell

A reader writes:

I'm hoping you can help a friend of mine who is stuck in a tough situation. After a long job search, my friend has found his dream job--it's what he wants to do, in the field he wants to do it in, it pays the salary he wants to make, and he feels like he's making a positive difference in the world. But his manager only has one way of talking: SCREAMING. Peppered with curse words, no less.

At first, my friend just thought this person had high standards, or was trying to "break in the new guy." But it has been months and it's not getting any better.
Although my pal tries to respond to the feedback that is buried somewhere in all the shouting and swearing, none of his efforts to give his boss what he wants have been met with anything but rage. The few times this manager has tried to give my friend a compliment about a job well done, he still somehow ends up angry and yelling! It is so bad that I would not be surprised if this person has some sort of undiagnosed mood disorder and should be on medication. With the economy the way it is, quitting the job is not an option. Is there anything my friend can do to improve his work environment?

That's the question I answer in today's post at U.S. News & World Report. To read my answer and leave your own comments, head on over there.


Anonymous said...

You people DO realize that you can call the city for a crazed yelling maniac don't you? why don't you?/ I really dont get people in the working world.. what makes you think that the laws stop as soon as you cross that threshold into work office hell?? Oh you say, you have to take it because he pays you?! I have heard of many instances where these crazy lunatic raging bosses do not pay you, change the hours or pay scale, or withhold pay when you finally quit , after not wishing to take their abuse.

Anonymous said...

I hear ya about leaving not being an option. How about me, getting top sales in the entire office my second day on the job, then coming in on day three, three minutes late after bus never showed up ( i also have broken toe I have been hobbling on) only to have vice pres. , who was in the middle of a co meeting, say ;who am i gonna hire or fire' and then told me if I can't be here on time, to leave?

Ask a Manager said...

Hmmm, actually in most places it's not at all illegal for bosses to yell or generally be jerks.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who screams has SERIOUS psychological problems, and you need to get away from them as soon as possible. There is no use talking to an irrational person. I LIVED with a verbally abusive roommate (a young female no less) who used to scream at me very violently at the top of her lungs for no reason at all, I apparently intimidated her and she wanted power and control. I am really, really messed up now...this girl barely knew me and she's screaming at me like that, wow. As for your job, I encourage you to call their company headquarters and report this behavior. I believe you can do this anonymously.