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Made it to the phone interview stage? Over at U.S. News & World Report today, I talk about six things not to do. Check it out, and as always, please leave your own thoughts in the comments over there!
You make some great points. Here is one more to consider:
7. Using a Cheesy Cell Phone. Nothing enhances your interview image like a partial connection that hisses, pops and drops every third syllable. Instead of this, double-check your coverage, and plan to use a land-line where ever possible. Oh - and just because you can do a phone interview while walking down a busy urban street doesn't mean you should. The honking and traffic noises will interfere with your interview.
You make some great points. Here is one more to consider:
7. Using a Cheesy Cell Phone. Nothing enhances your interview image like a partial connection that hisses, pops and drops every third syllable. Instead of this, double-check your coverage, and plan to use a land-line where ever possible. Oh - and just because you can do a phone interview while walking down a busy urban street doesn't mean you should. The honking and traffic noises will interfere with your interview.
Keep up the good work!
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