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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

where are you now?

If you've had your question answered here in the last year, please send me an update and let me know how your situation turned out. I'd like to post your updates in a "where are they now?" post.

We want to know, so email me, stat. Leave no juicy detail out. And woman whose coworker was moonlighting as a hooker, I'm especially talking to you.


Anonymous said...

Well, I didn't have my question answered, but I did figure it out finally on my own and am doing well. Unfortunately no hookers (that I know of) are currently working in my office.

Anonymous said...

I'm putting in long hours and I'm tired and performing less effectively than I would if I could do reasonable hours and have time to rest and recharge. You suggested how I might address that with my manager. Just as I psyched up to do that, we laid off half our staff. We're still measured by the clock more than by performance and as much as I'd like to deal with that, now is not the time. I went back to keeping my name high on the who-does-most-hours list. I'll follow your good advice and make another push for management by objectives when I see few skirmishes in the new talent war.