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Monday, February 23, 2009

should you switch jobs in a bad economy?

You hate your job. The work is boring, your boss annoys you, you share an office with someone who insists on taking all her calls on speakerphone, and you're pretty sure the guy down the hall uses your photo as his screensaver.

Or maybe you like your job all right but you saw a higher-paying opening at another company that you'd be perfect for.

But in such a bad economy, should you think twice about switching jobs?

Head on over to my post at U.S. News & World Report today, where I answer this question. Please leave your own thoughts over there too.Link


Marketing Director Salaries said...

According to Jobnob the answer is yes. They list all the salaries of different positions as jobs all over the US and it really helps people understand what type of money there is to be made. I would check it out if you're looking to switch.